Programme SAP RHIQU464_STATUSDUPLICATION - Status Duplication Program

Create System Status for Students

This conversion program creates the system status for studentsfollowing the upgrade to release CM 4.64. Start the report program inthe background with the variant SAP&UPGRADE. This report programduplicates the following infotype information in the infotypeStatus Indicators (1728):

  • Infotype 1001 records with relationship 530 between the objects
  • student and study; the program creates an infotype 1728record for each study object. If the infotype 1001 record hasthe status 1, the program creates the status ADMA for thesame period. If the infotype 1001 record has the status 2, theprogram creates a status infotype record with the status ADMU.If the infotype 1001 record has the status 1001, the programcreates a status infotype record with the status ADMR.
    • If an alumnus relationship exists between the student and an
    • organizational unit, the programs creates a status infotype with thestatus ALUM.
      • If re-registration data (infotype 1771) exists, the program creates a
      • status record with the status CS01 for each re-registration. Ifleave of absence data exists, the program creates a status record withthe status CS02.
        • If study segments (infotype 1769) exist, the program creates a status
        • record with the status CS03 for the entire study segmentduration. If the study segments are interrupted, the program creates astatus record with the status CS04.


          The program contains the following parameters:

          • Radio buttons for selection of one or all students: By choosing the
          • appropriate radio button, you can specify whether you want to duplicatethe data of one or all students. We recommend you run this program forone student first.
            • Test run: This parameter enables you to start the program in the test
            • mode.
              • Activity: This parameter enables you to control which data is to be
              • duplicated. In the live run, all data should be duplicated.
                • Result display: If you set this parameter, the program displays the
                • results as soon as it has been executed. If you want to duplicate alldata, we recommend you run this program in the background. In thiscase, do not activate the parameter for immediate result display.