Programme SAP RHIQU464_MODULEREG - XPRA: Conversion of Module Bookings from CS-SM to ST-SM (Relatshp 506)

Conversion Program for Module Booking Relationships

The Campus Management data model was changed in release CM 4.64.These changes affect module bookings.
In release CM 4.63, module bookings were represented by means of arelationship (relationship type 506) between the objects study(object type CS) and module (object type SM). In release CM4.64, modules bookings are still represented by means of a relationship(relationship type 506). However, this relationship is now createdbetween the objects student (object type ST) and module(object type SM).
You can use this report program to convert existing study/modulerelationships to student/module relationships.
This program reads the CS-506-SM relationships and creates a newST-506-SM relationship for each existing relationship.
It also writes a unique identifier in the field ID of the newrelationship 506 (database table HRPAD506).
A working list is created for the study object so that the bookingcontext is not lost during conversion from the object type studyto the object type student.
The program also creates appraisals for the module booking records.
This report program is offered as an XPRA in release CM 4.64.
Note: The program does not delete the existing CS-506-SMrelationships. These relationships enable you to restart conversion,but are not required for the functionality in release CM 4.64. When youhave sucessfully converted the existing data records, you can deletethe relationships.
You can use report program RHIQCHECKMODULEREG to analyze and delete thedata records.

The system lists the converted records by client in the flow trace. Ifsome relationships were not successfully converted, this could be dueto one of the following reasons:

  • 1 = Internal error, no further information

  • 3 = Request already exists and will not be created again. In this case,
  • delete the existing relationship (ST-530-SC)
    • 4 = No authorization. Make sure you are authorized to convert the given
    • data record, and run the report program again.
      • 6 = Other error