Programme SAP RHIQBUCH00 - Timetable

This report determines a timetable for one (or more) business eventattendees. On the initial screen, you can enter the desired evaluationperiod (via logical database PCH). You can also enter a business eventabbreviation as well as additional information, such as the start andend times, the room where the event is to take place, and (one) of theinstructors.
The system indicates multiple reservations by means of an icon. When youclick on this icon, the system displays the business events that takeplace simultaneously.
The timetable display covers a period from 8 to 18 hours (8 am to 6 pm).If business events are scheduled outside of this period, this isindicated in a separate line of the timetable. You can displayinformation on these business events by clicking on the icons in thisline.

The timetable is only output if the attendee is booked on businessevents in the given period.
The room and instructor are only displayed if the required entries aremade in Training and Event Management.
