Programme SAP RHIQAUDIT_MP_CP - Audit (Process-Dependent)

You can use this report program to execute the following functions forone or more assessmentprocesses:

  • Generate requirement profiles

  • Execute audits (create)

  • Check audits (change)

  • You can only use this function for processes that already have audits.

    Choose a selection method and then an existing selection variant, orcreate a new selection variant.
    Enter the following parameters:

    • Processing type

    • Audit type

    • When you select an audit type, the system determines if additionalparameters are required for this audit type.
      Example: If you run a stage audit, the system requires the parameter"stage". You do not have to enter this value; it is optional. You canuse this value as an additional filter criterion if you wish to.
      • Process part

      • Requirement profile type

      • Execution mode

      • You cannot enter an execution mode if you use the processing typegenerate requirement profiles.
        Note: The parameters you enter may restrict the selection variantresult.
        If you wish to use parallel processing when you run the report program,select parallel processing, and then enter a server group and thenumber of work processes.
        You can execute a test run first.
        If you select Detail Lists, the system also records the followingresult details and includes them in the output list:
        • All messages (and not only error messages)

        • Processing details such as additional information on the results