Purpose This report creates a batch input for updating the relationship betweena Job Code >and Position >in the Relationships>infotype (1001). A change in Job Code> in PlannedCompensation> infotype (1005) results in the loss of information aboutthe relationship between a Job Code> and Position >in Relationships >infotype (1001). However, the database table for Activity with Higher Rate of Pay>infotype (0509) also stores details about the relationship between theJob Code and Position. Use this report to read the database table of Activity with HigherRate of Pay> infotype (0509) to obtain data on the relationshipbetween Job Cde and Position. You then execute the batch input sessiongenerated by this report, to update the relationship between Job Codeand Position in Relationships >infotype (1001).Prerequisites You must execute Transfer Organizational Assignment (PA-> PD) report (RHINTE00)> to update the main position held by anemployee.Features The report compares Relationships >infotype (1001) withActivity with Higher Rate of Pay> infotype (0509). This is todetermine the relationships in Activity with Higher Rate of Pay>infotype (0509) that are not present in Relationships >infotype(1001). The report then reads the data in Activity with Higher Rateof Pay> infotype (0509) to update the relationships missing inRelationships >infotype (1001). Although the relationship between Job Code> and Position >isno longer present because of changes made to Job Code>, thevalidity period for the past relationship exists in Relationships>infotype (1001). The report checks whether the validity period for a relationshipmaintained in Relationships >infotype (1001) is different from theone maintained in Activity with Higher Rate of Pay> infotype(0509). In such cases, the report updates the relationship's validityperiod in Relationships >infotype (1001) as follows:
- Validity period maintained in Activity with Higher Rate of Pay>
infotype (0509) starts and ends earlier than the validity periodmaintained in Relationships >infotype (1001) In this case, the report updates the relationship with the StartDate> as maintained in Activity with Higher Rate of Pay>infotype (0509) and End Date> as maintained in Relationships>infotype (1001).
- Validity period maintained in Activity with Higher Rate of Pay>
infotype (0509) starts earlier and ends later than the validity periodmaintained in Relationships >infotype (1001) In this case, the report updates the relationship with the StartDate> and End Date >as maintained in Activity with HigherRate of Pay> infotype (0509)Selection
- Target Plan Version>
Every object, such as a Job Code> or Position>, have aversion associated to it. In this field, select the version of theJob Code> and Position >for which you want to update therelationship.
- Transfer leavings only>
Select this indicator if you want the report to delimit the relationshipbetween a terminated employee's Personnel Number> and Position >. The report delimits the relationship to the termination date.
- Structure Status >
In this field, select the status of the Job Code> and Position>for which you want to update the relationship.
- Session name>
In this field, enter a name for the batch input session.