Programme SAP RHINTE10 - Prepare Integration (OM with PA)

This program allows you to create object types in PersonnelAdministration (HR-PA) which have already been set up in PersonnelPlanning and Development (HR-PD) and which are needed for integration.
The following object types are relevant to integration:
Work center,,(object type A),,Tables T528B, T528T
Job,,(Object type C),,Tables T513, T513S
Position,,(Object type S),,Tables T528B, T528T
Organizational unit,,(Object type O),,Table T527X
Only objects which exist in status 1 (active) in the integration planversion are included (see in PD Customizing under Set active planversion, entry PLOGI PLOGI).
The integration object types are required for infotype 0001"Organizational Assignment".
A program run can take place for one or all object types.


Creating Objects
Controls whether objects should be created in the tables for PersonnelAdministration. These objects are created, that is transferred to theexisting objects in Personnel Planning and Development (HR-PD).

Deleting Non-Existent Objects
Controls whether objects in Personnel Administration tables (HR-PA)that only exist in these tables and not in Personnel Planning andDevelopment ( HR-PD) should be deleted.

Only Objects with Original in OM
Restricts the objects to be deleted to objects whose original ismaintained in Organizational Management. In relation to the "Deletenon-existent objects" parameter, only objects of the PA tables whoseoriginal was previously created in OM are taken into account. Objectswhich were created with their original in OM from the beginning andtherefore have never existed in OM are not deleted.

This parameter controls whether the program is to be run in test modewithout table changes or in update mode with table changes.


You obtain a list containing the number of records for each operationperformed and for each object type. To display the individual records,double-click on a line.

48964PD integration and PD transport connection