Programme SAP RHINFAW2 - Infotype Reporting

Report RHINFAW0 can be used to evaluate any infotype. This can beperformed sequentially or structurally (that is, along a structureusing an evaluation path according to table T77AW/T778A). You can alsouse the report to evaluate customer-specific infotypes.
As standard, only objects (in sequential evaluation) or only branches(in structural evaluation) that possess the specified infotype areoutput. The report also displays the frequency with which theinfotype occurs for a particular object.

Evaluation Parameter
Select the required infotype and any subtypes. If you do not specifya subtype, all subtypes of the infotype are selected.

Evaluation of Infotype Fields Parameter
You can define that information from the infotype fields is to bedisplayed for the objects shown.

Infotype Field Selection Parameter
You can select individual infotype fields for which information is tobe displayed. All objects or branches for which this infotype fieldcontains data are displayed.
If several fields are selected, you can link them using a logical"OR" or a logical "AND". This enables you to combine them in oneselection criterion.
It is important that the structure of the infotype to be evaluatedis clearly defined in the data dictionary. This is because the reportuses DDIC information for the field evaluation. It is not possible toevaluate automaticallya text table that stored for an infotype field.Consequently, the Include report RHINFAW1, which hasbeen slightly modified, is used as an interface. This Include reportuses the infotype field name to check whether a text table exists.If a text table exists, this is evaluated as well.If a new infotype orinfotype field is created, for which (new) text tables are accessed,you must adjust the Include report RHINFAW1 as appropriate.

All Objects Parameter
You can define that all objects or branches are to be output,irrespective of whether they possess the selected infotype.
If the "objects without this infotype" parameter is also selected,the system makes a note of the objects that do not have this infotype.

Objects Without This Infotype Parameter
You can define that only objects or branches that do not possess thisinfotype are to be displayed.
For every object,the report checks whether this infotype is permitted for the object(table T777Z for infotype 1001, otherwise T777I). In the case ofinfotype 1001, the report also includes the subtype.