Programme SAP RHHCP_PLAN_CODOC_POST - Posting to Accounting

This report enables you to execute the following functions forpersonnel cost plans:

  • Post personnel cost plans to Controlling.

  • Check the posting procedure

  • Cancel already completed postings
  • Prerequisites
    You must have released the personnel cost plan that you are posting orfor which you want to check the posting procedure.
    You must already have posted the personnel cost plan for which you wantto cancel posting.

    The SAP system only posts error-free line items. It displays defectline items, which you should correct, and then post or check again.

    In the group box Personnel Cost Plan you use the PlanVersion and Personnel Cost Plan fields to specify the planfor which you want to perform one of the functions mentioned above.
    The SAP system automatically fills the two fields with the informationrelating to the selected personnel cost plan.
    In the Data Selection Restriction group box you can furtherrestrict your selection using the following fields:

    • Controlling Area

    • Company Code

    • Fiscal Year

    • Posting Period

    • For the selection via account assignment objects:

    • Cost Center
      WBS Element (Work Breakdown Structure Element)
      • Cost Element

      • Statistical Key Figure

      • In the Additional Options group box you can set the followingindicators:
        • Check Only

        • If you set this indicator, the SAP system checks whether errors occurwhen the personnel cost plan is posted.
          • Cancel Posting

          • Only set this indicator if you have entered or selected analready-posted personnel cost plan in the Personnel Cost Planfield.

            After the posting procedure, the system displays the PostingPrimary Costs for the Plan orPosting Statistical Key Figures for the Plan screen.
            If the posting procedure contained errors for individual line items andyou want to post those line items, you must remove the errors. Forfurther information, see Activities.
            If you set the Check Only indicator, the system displays theCheck Primary Costs for Plan orCheck Statistical Key Figures for Plan
            screen. The SAP system displays the line items and information oneach item.
            If you set the Cancel Posting indicator, the system displays theCancel Primary Costs for Plan orCancel Statistical Key Figures for Plan screen. The SAP system has canceled posting for alreadyposted line items.

            You can perform the following report-specific functions in the outputlist:

            • You can change the view by choosing Statistical Key Figure or
            • Primary Cost Document.
              • For individual line items you can display error messages regarding the
              • posting procedure or the posting check.
                To do this you select a line item and choose Display Message.The system displays the Incorrect screen. Edit the errors inaccordance with the message texts and post or check the postingprocedure once again.