Programme SAP RHHCP_CUS_EMU_CONVERSION - Currency Conversion in Customizing Tables for Pers.CostPlanning & Sim.

This report supports the conversion of Customizing entries inPersonnel Cost Planning and Simulation to euro.

The report converts data records in the database tables T77HCP_VALU(Valuation of Non-Valuated Cost Items) and T77HCP_LIMI (CostItem Limits) in Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation toeuro.
The only data records affected by the conversion are those in which theamount, the amount per unit, or the maximum or minimum amount isfilled.
For the conversion the SAP system differentiates between two types ofdata record:

  • The validity of the data record lies after the conversion date.

  • For these data records the SAP system converts the amounts from theircorresponding currency and saves them with the new currency, euro. Thestart and end dates of the data records remain unchanged.
    • The conversion date is during the validity period of the data record.

    • The SAP system delimits the data record one day before the conversiondate. For the period as of the conversion date it creates a new datarecord and converts the existing currencies to the new currency, euro.
      All other data records remain unchanged.

      Under Currency Determination in the Conversion Currencyfield, you can enter the currency that is to be converted to euro. Inthe Conversion Data field you specify the date as of which thenew currency should be entered.
      Under Rounding, in the Rounding Divisor and RoundingType fields, you specify the level to which the SAP system shouldround the new amount.
      Under Other Attributes you can specify whether you want to runthe report in test mode and whether the SAP system should output a listof the data records that it stores in the Planning of PersonnelCosts infotype (5010 and 0666).
      If you set the Test Run indicator, the SAP system displays anexample with the rounding you selected.

      Further Notes

      • As it has its own planning currency, Personnel Cost Planning and
      • Simulation is functions fully if you do not run this report.However, you are advised to perform the conversion to euro.
        • You are advised to first run the report as a test run with a log, to
        • get an overview of the data records affected.
          • The amounts are converted with the exchange rate type M.

          • The SAP system uses the conversion date as the rate day.

          • You must convert the data separately in each client.