Programme SAP RHHANDLERELATIONS - Error Handling After Country Reassignment

Error Processing after Country Reassignment/Leaving

With this report you can check automatic actions resulting from countryreassignment or leavings and if necessary (in the case of incorrectcountry reassignments) create missing relationships between old and newpersonnel numbers.
The report therefore provides three functions:

  • Checking actions carried out due to a country reassignment.

  • Checking actions carried out due to a leaving.

  • Creating a missing relationship between an old and a new personnel
  • number.

    In the first two functions, the report outputs the logfiles which werewritten by Personnel Administration when a country reassignment orleaving action was carried out. In the standard version, when theseactions occur, certain defined activities are carried out for certainrelationships. The table Activities for Special Personnel Actions
    (T777ACTION) shows which activities are carried out for whichrelationships.
    Whether further activities should be carried out depends on the usageof the user exit (release 4.6A) or the business add-in CustomerEnhancement for Special Personnel Actions.


    • Shows the application log for country reassignment actions

    • Shows the application log for leaving actions

    • Creates country reassignment relationship between an old and a new
    • personnel number.


      General Parameters:

      Old Personnel Number
      In the case of a country reassignment, enter the old personnel number;in the case of a leaving, enter the number for which a leaving has beencarried out.

      New Personnel Number
      In the case of a country reassignment, enter the new personnel number.

      Date of Country Reassignment
      Enter the date of the country reassignment or the leaving.
      In the case of a country reassignment, when you have entered the oldand new personnel numbers, the date of the related country reassignmentappears as a suggestion in this field.

      Parameters Specific to the Display of the Country Reassignment Log

      Person-Related Activities
      Activate this parameter if you want to show the log documentingperson-related activities in a country reassignment.

      Parameters Specific to Display of the Leaving Log:

      Person-Related Activities
      Activate this parameter if you want to display the log documentingperson-related activities in a leaving.

      Application log for country reassignment
      Application log for leaving

      Choose the specific procedure according to the desired function:

      Displaying the Country Reassignment Log
      Enter the old and the new personnel number.
      You can get information on the new personnel number and the country
      reassignment date in Personal Administration if you call up therelevant old personnel number and choose Extras -> Countryreassignment.
      Enter the date of the country reassignment.
      In the country reassignment frame choose the desired parameters.
      Choose execute.

      Displaying the Leavings Log
      RESET N1
      In the old personnel number field, enter the personnel number ofthe employee who is leaving.
      Enter the leaving date.
      In the leavings frame, activate the parameter person-relatedactivities.
      Choose execute.