Programme SAP RHGRENZ4 - Set New End Date

The report sets a new delimitation date for the records found using theselection screen. It primarily serves to recreate or extend recordsthat have been delimited in error. The records can be given ahistorical flag indicator so that they can no longer be modified usingtransaction PP01. You can also cancel this historical record. To accessthe correct selection of records, you must enter the old delimitationdate. All records with the same end date as the delimitation date willbe given the new delimitation date. All other records remain unchanged.

Parameter DISPLAY
Display delimited records (X = yes).

The delimited records are listed.

Parameter ENQ
Lock objects (X = yes).

During the runtime of the program, the delimited records are locked, sothat the changed records do not cause any side effects.

Parameter G_DAT
Old delimitation date for the object

The old delimitation date of records for which the new end date is tobe set is entered here. The delimitation date must be before or thesame as the current record. The default value for this is the systemdate.

Parameter HISTO
Historical record flag

The flag 'X' specifies whether there is to be a historical record forthe records to be delimited. Once a historical record has been created,the record can not be modified.

Parameter TEST
Test mode (X = yes)

The evaluation can be carried out in test mode.