Programme SAP RHGRENZ0 - Delimit Objects

This report delimits objects to the date specified. In other words, theobject's end date is changed accordingly. If the 'Historical record'parameter is set, a historical record flag is appended to the records.This prevents them from being changed using transactions PP01 and PP02.Apart from the 'Object' infotype (1000) itself, all of the records aredeleted whose validity interval starts after the delimitation date.

Parameter: DISPLAY
Display delimited objects (X = yes).

The delimited objects are listed. This list includes objects specifiedon the selection screen that were not delimited because thedelimitation date was smaller than their end date.

Parameter: ENQ
Lock objects (X = yes).

The objects to be delimited are locked while the program is running toavoid data inconsistencies.

Parameter: G_DAT
Delimitation date.

This field enables you to enter the new end date for the record to bedelimited. The delimitation date must be greater than or equal to thestart date of the record to be delimited. The default value is thesystem date.

Parameter: HISTO
Historical record.

By selecting this checkbox, you indicate that a historical record flagshould be appended to the records. Once the historical record flag hasbeen set, you cannot change the records.

Parameter: TEST
Test (X = yes).

You can run the program in test mode, if required.