Programme SAP RHFLUPX0 - Set Indicator for Business Events Followed Up

This report enables you to set the field Indicator: Business EventIs Followed Up (FLUPX) in the Business Event Info infotype(1026).
For more information, see SAP Notes 626663 and 538446.

You set the field FLUPX if:
Archived attendance records were generated when a business event wasfollowed up
The business event originates in a system with R/3 Release < 4.5

In the report, you select the objects for the report and the reportingperiod. You can also set the following parameter to determine whetherchanges are made:

  • Test run

  • If you set this indicator, no changes are made to the database when yourun the report. The changes that would be made are displayed. To havethe changes updated to the database, deselect this indicator.