Programme SAP RHFAKT00_LSO - Course Billing

This report lets you bill course participants with participation fees,in other words, it lets you generate invoices.
During this process, the participant's address is taken from either thecustomer master record or, in the case of one-time customers, from theparticipant data stored. The billing price is transferred to the Salesand Distribution component (SD).

You activate integration between Training Management andSD for purposes of the billing transaction in Customizing forTraining Management, underBilling.
If you want to use the payment card functions, you must also maintainsettings in SD under Payment Cards.


  • Participation must be flagged as relevant for billing.

  • Note:
    You make this assignment when you execute the function Book withFee. If you make no assignment here (and book participation withoutfee assignment), the billing settings maintained for the participanttype in Customizing under Specify ParticipantType Control apply.
    • The participant's address must be available.

    • In the case of a one-time customer, address data is stored directlywith the participant. SAP recommends that you use the participant typeExternal person (H) for one-time customers since you arerequired to store address for participants of this type.
      • The customer master record must exist in the sales
      • area of the course.


        You can set parameters to determine the data output by the report.
        There are a number of ways to start the report:
        Enter one or more course groups. The system finds all of thecourses belonging to the specified group(s) and lists the participants.
        Enter one or more course types. The system finds all of thecourses and participants belonging to the specified type(s).
        Enter one or more courses. The system lists the participantsrelevant for billing.
        Reporting period
        Enter the exact period for which you want to determine participants forbilling.
        List output
        You can specify what data you want output in the list (such as,participants not yet billed).
        You can select the indicator Hide non-relevant to specify thatcourses for which the report finds no results are not displayed in thelist.
        Billing date
        The date in this field indicates when billing should be carried out inSD, in other words, the settlement period. The default date is usuallythe current date. You can overwrite this date as required.

        The report outputs a list of the selected participants per course andthe following information:

        • Course

        • Participant

        • Organizational assignment

        • Sold-to party

        • Bill-to party (for separate partner functions)

        • Participation fee

        • Credit memo amount (where relevant)

        • Invoice number (if billing was already performed)

        • Credit memo number (if credit memo was already generated)

        • Card type (for billing with payment cards)

        • Validity end date of the payment card

        • You can perform billing from the list screen.
          If you select the participant you want to bill and choose Createbilling document, the relevant billing data is transferred to SD.
          The following process flow takes place:
          The document items are validated.
          If the items are validated, a reference document is generated with thestatus transfer designated.
          The BAPI/ALE for the billing is called.
          The status of the reference document changes to transfer effected (yellow/amber light).
          Due to the fact that the systems may be decoupled (SD andTraining Management indistributed systems), confirmation of this transaction is necessary toensure that the transaction has actually been executed.
          For this purpose, you must call the function Compare document.The system searches for the pertinent SD document.
          If it finds the original document, the status of the reference documentchanges to Transfer confirmed (green light).
          You can display the original document by choosing View ->Ref. <-> Original document.
          If it does not find the original document, the status of the reference
          document changes to Transfer incorrect (red light)
          For more information on the procedure when the original document cannotbe found, refer to Error diagnosis.
          You can execute the following functions from the list screen:
          • Create credit memo

          • Check billing data

          • Display document flow for the course, in other words, all of the
          • billing transactions that exist for the course. (The cursor must be onthe relevant course for this).
            • Display document flow for the participant, in other words, all
            • of the billing transactions that exist for the participant. (The cursormust be on the relevant participant for this.)
              • Display document (reference document)

              • Display error log (if the billing was not successful)

              • Cancel document: If the billing was not correct, you can cancel
              • the billing document to reverse the transaction and start the billingagain. This process generates a new document.
                • Change fee and assignment of not yet billed participants

                • Participant list

                • Cancellation list
                • Note
                  This report has a pre-report RHXFAKT0 with a simplified selectionscreen.
                  If you are perfoming billing in distributed systems (that is, HR and LOin different systems), please note the information contained in
                  Set Up Course Billing.
                  If you use the participant types customer and contact person
                  , you should also note the information contained in
                  Course Participant: Set Up Customer
                  Course Participant: Set Up Contact Person .