Programme SAP RHEXPUPDVAL - Synchronize T7XP_ELEM_VAL with Expert Profiles

Program for synchronizing value table V_T7XP_ELEM_VAL with the valuesin the expert profiles.
If elements in Expert Finder are read from external systems, andinput help is defined for these in the Define Expert ProfileElements (V_TT7XP_ELEM) activity, this report can enhance the valuetable to include the element values used in the expert profiles.

Start this report after report RHEXPUPD has beenexecuted. This is because all expert profiles are then up-to-date andconsistent with the data from the external systems.

You can start the report in test mode. In this case, only a list isdisplayed.
In the update mode, all tables for the Display Value for ExpertProfile Element (V_T7XP_ELEM_VAL) view are enhanced or changed.

You can restrict the selection of expert profiles to be analyzedaccording to change period, language, and for test purposes to a singleexpert profile.
The report cannot be started for all existing expert profile elements.

The system displays an ALV list of all values that were found in theexpert profiles. The 'Only Display Changed Values' switch enables youto restrict this to display the changed values only.
The following symbols are displayed for the different values found:
@01@ Value already exists in value table -> no change
@0Y@ Value does not exist in value table -> is being created
@0Z@ Value exists in value table but with a different text -> text invalue table is being changed.
If inconsistent expert profiles are determined during the analysis, orif errors occur, the message 'Errors occurred. Analyze them in theapplication log' is displayed.
In this case a detailed error description is displayed in theTransaction SLG1 application log, under the programRHEXPUPDVAL name.