Programme SAP RHERES00 - Resource List per Business Event

This report creates a list of required resources (rooms, instructors,and "other resources" such as training materials that are not managedin the Material Master) for all business events in the periodspecified.
You can select one or more business events for the report. You do so byentering the business event object ID or a search string.
If you enter a business event group or type, the report includes allunderlying event types and dates.
The report has a pre-report RHXERES0 with a simplified selectionscreen.
The report output depends on the parameters you set.

Parameter 'Location'
If you select this option, the report only includes business eventdates scheduled at the location you specify.

The report's list screen may contain the following information:

  • Business event name

  • Selection period

  • Name of resource

  • Number of reservation days for resource per business event

  • Time period of resource reservation in days

  • Total reservation time for resource in hours

  • Period of resource reservation by times

  • You select the data you want displayed under current displayvariant:
    When you choose this function, a dialog box appears with the columnsdisplayed on the list screen in the left table, and the hidden columnsin the right table.
    By moving the arrows you can determine what columns are displayed. Totransfer the changed display variants, choose Transfer.
    To save the variant, choose save display variant. You can callthis display variant as required by choosing choose display variant