Programme SAP RHECM_UPD_0008_FROM_1005 - Update Basic Pay from Planned Compensation

Execute this report to update the Basic Pay infotype (0008
) when the Planned Compensation infotype (1005) hasbeen changed.
This report updates the pay scale and grade fields in infotype 0008
for all employees assigned to a job or position, when the assignmentof jobs and positions to pay grades in infotype 1005 has beenchanged.
This report is meant for mass processing. It is therefore recommendedthat you execute it in background via Program > Execute > Background

You must have maintained:

  • Infotype 0008 for the relevant employees

  • Infotype 1005 for the jobs or positions held by the employees.
  • Selection
    Selection criteria include job, position and remuneration type. Bydefault, only salaried employees are selected. Required parameters arekey date and reason for change of infotype 0008.
    The logical database selects the infotypes 0001 and 0008of the employee. All base pay records with subtype 0 valid on the keydate or later are checked for possible changes. The selection date forreading the infotypes 0001 and 1005 is the report key dateif the infotype 0008 record is valid on this date, otherwise onthe begin date of infotype 0008.
    Once the system has retrieved the job and position from infotype0001, it selects the infotype 1005 record. If the payscale type or pay scale area in infotype 0008 is different fromthe one in infotype 1005, or the pay scale group and pay scalelevel in infotype 0008 is not in the range specified in infotype1005, the infotype 0008 record is updated.

    The pay scale type, pay scale area, pay scale group and pay scale levelfields of infotype 0008 are changed to reflect the values ofinfotype 1005. If infotype 1005 contains a range of payscale groups and pay scale levels, the lower limit of this range istaken and written to infotype 0008. The wage types and amountsremain unchanged. If the result conflicts with the salary range, thebusiness logic of infotype 0008 returns an error or warningmessage, depending on the setting in table Grades (T710A).The records whose validity starts before the key date are split on thekey date, while the other records are changed. If a personnel number islocked, the system generates a message in the error log and processesthe following personnel number.
    The final changes are displayed in the message log.