Programme SAP RHECM_EXERCISE_IDOC_IN - Import LTI Exercise Data

Execute this report to import the exercise data provided by the bank orbroker and update infotype LTI Exercise (0762).

Process flow
The SAP Business Connector maps and converts the XML file back to IDocformat.
Infotype LTI Exercise (0762) is updated accordingly.
This report is meant for mass processing. It is therefore recommendedthat you execute it in background via Program > Execute > Background

See also the reports Export LTI Grant Data
and Export LTI ParticipantInformation.

You must have sent the bank or broker the exercise data and participantinformation by means of the above-mentioned reports.

Specify the number of the IDoc file to be processed. You can entereither the standard IDoc type for exercising confirmation data, or theRemove IDoc type in case exercising data that has already been importedneeds to be deleted.
Additionally, you can make various selections according totime-dependent and organizational needs and set the indicator Posted
if the data is free of errors and does not need to be checkedagainst any further.

The exercise data is displayed in ALV format. To update infotype0762, mark the records and click Execute. In addition, youcan change the No Imputed Income indicator if required.