Programme SAP RHECM_CREATE_0758 - Create Compensation Program Records

Execute this report to create records on infotype CompensationProgram (0758) for a group of employees and make them macroeligible for a compensation plan by assigning them to a compensationprogram containing this plan. This infotype must be maintained forfurther compensation processing in Manager Self-Service.
You can run this report when you first use Enterprise CompensationManagement to maintain infotype 0758 for a large number ofemployees or on a regular basis for new employees. Personnel actionsinstead are recommended for handling individual cases.
This report can be used for mass processing. If so, it is recommendedthat you execute it in background via Program > Execute > Background

Depending on the context, you must have been through the followingactivities in the Implementation Guide for Enterprise CompensationManagement:

  • Define Compensation Areas

  • Define Compensation Area Feature

  • Define First Compensation Program Groupings

  • Define First Compensation Program Grouping Feature

  • Business Add-In: Determine First Compensation Program Grouping

  • Define Second Compensation Program Groupings

  • Define Second Compensation Program Grouping Feature

  • Business Add-In: Determine Second Compensation Program Grouping
  • Selection
    In addition to the standard time-dependent and organizational criteria,you can specify a range of compensation-relevant criteria to beprocessed, as further described.

    Field Values for Infotype 0758 Records
    The compensation area and first/second compensation program groupingsyou enter here are written to infotype 0758 when you execute thisreport. If not filled, the corresponding features and/or Business Add-Inwill provide default values.

    Earliest Begin Date / Latest End Date
    You can restrict the validity of the records by choosing a combinationof either hire and leaving dates, date types or fixed dates. You canspecify that:

    • The begin date cannot be earlier than the hire date (default), the date
    • assigned to the date type or the fixed date you have specified. The hiredate and the date type are read from the infotypes Actions (
      0000) and Date Specifications (0041), respectively.If more than one indicator is set, the system reads the most recentbegin date.
      • The end date cannot be later than the leaving date (default), the date
      • assigned to the date type or the fixed date you have specified. If morethan one indicator is set, the system reads the earliest end date.
        If no date is selected, the high date or low date is retrieved.

        Processing Options

        • Split at Master Data Changes

        • The newly created records on infotype 0758 are split to reflectchanges on the infotypes Organizational Assignment (0001)and Basic Pay (0008). If you want to consider splits onother infotypes, copy this report and use it as a template to createyour own enhanced version. Per default, this indicator is set.
          • Test Run (No Update)

          • It is strongly recommended that you perform a test run to detect andcorrect possible errors before updating the database. Per default, thisindicator is set.

            A list of messages is displayed, sorted by employee. The followingmessage types can be generated:

            • Success message

            • For each record that has been successfully generated, a success messageis displayed.
              • Warning message

              • For each record that existed before running the report and that has beendeleted or delimited, a warning message is displayed.
                • Error message

                • Error messages are generated for errors that have occurred duringprocessing and that prevented the records from being created.