Programme SAP RHECM_ADJ_SALARY_STRUC - Update of Pay Grade Amounts from Market Data

Use this report to update the salary structure data in the customizingtable T710 (Pay Grade Levels) using proposals created by theCompensation Specialist within the Job Pricing section of the EnterpriseCompensation Management component.
Based on comparisons made after building composite market results, theCompensation Specialist is able to generate proposals for possiblesalary structure updates and to store these proposed new values in astructure that mirrors the database table in which the current pay gradedata is stored.
It is possible to create and process several proposed salary structuresin parallel. These proposals are called Salary Adjustment Versions
Once a particular salary adjustment version has been accepted for asalary structure update (e.g. by the board), the HR Administrator or theSystem Administrator can run this report, which reads the data storedunder the selected salary adjustment version and uses this data toupdate the customizing table T710 (Pay Grade Levels).

Before running this report, the Compensation Specialist must havecreated at least one Salary Adjustment Version in the SAP EnterprisePortal, in the workset Job Pricing -> Salary Structure Adjustment
The user must have the requisite authorization in the customizing systemto run the report.

This report consists of a selection screen and an ALV data displayscreen from which you can trigger the update.
You must enter the Country Grouping.
You can further restrict the entries to be adjusted by specifying theselection criteria for the pay grade type and pay grade.
In addition, you can select a remote system for retrieving the suggestedchanges. While this tool is usually run in the customizing system inwhich the salary structure data is maintained, the suggested changes aretypically stored in the productive system. So in many cases the remotesystem will be your productive system.
You must enter a value in the Salary AdjustmentVersion field and specify the salary adjustment version/key datecombination. The possible values for the latter depend on the selectionof the remote system. If the remote system is not specified, thepossible salary adjustment version/key date combinations are obtainedfrom the current system and client.
Once you have made your selections, the system checks your displayauthorization and locks the relevant subset of table T710 (per countryversion).

The system displays the salary data as it is currently stored in tableT710, along with the proposed changes retrieved from table T71JPR25 inthe remote system.
After successfully updating the salary structure, the system displays alist of all entries in table T710 that have been modified or inserted,displaying the updated amounts.

Run the report to compare the current and the potential new values.
You can confirm the changes or cancel the update. To confirm, selectPerform Update. This updates the salary structure on yourdatabase.
Note: If you decide to update the records, the system updates theall records displayed. It is not possible to update specificrecords or a group of records.