Programme SAP RHDESC20 - Object Description: Main Program

This report enables you to create:

  • A position description (see RHXDESC1) or

  • A job description (see RHXDESC0)

  • You have the following selection options:
    • One or more objects or, alternatively, structural object selection

    • Data selection based on key date or time period

    • Status-dependent data selection
    • Lists

      List Selection
      This list is only output if multiple objects are affected by yourselection. You can further restrict the number of objects for which theobject description is to be displayed. For structural selections, onlythe objects at the leaves of the structure are selected initially.
      The list of positions also includes position holders. If a position hasmore than one holder, the holder with the highest staffing percentage isdisplayed.

      • Function Select All/Deselect
      • All
        • Function Display: The system displays the description of the
        • object on which the cursor is positioned. This is irrespective ofwhether the object is selected.
          • Function Display Selected Object: The system displays the
          • description of the first of the selected objects.

            Object Description List
            You can change the layout of the list using the functionsChange Parameters and ChangeReport Layout.

            • Function Print via SAPScript

            • Function Display or Change

            • Function Overview

            • Function First/Previous/Next/Last Object

            • Function Legend - This function is not
            • available for the alternative display.
              • Function Change Parameters

              • Function Edit Report Layout

              • Depending on whether you use the alternative display fordescribing objects, the system makes different editors available for thereport layout. If you use the alternative display, change thereport layout using transaction OO0D (Report Layout). You can accessthis function in the object description menu under Settings->ChangeReport Layout. This path also takes you to the editor for the reportlayout if you do not use the alternative display.

                List Overview

                • Function Select

                • Positioning on the selected chapeter

                  Report Layout Editor
                  You can edit the report layout using the Change Report Layoutfunction.
                  If you do not use the alternative display, the system displaysthe default editor.
                  The alternative editor (transaction OO0D) allows you to use thefollowing functions:
                  Change Object You can use this function to change alreadyexisting objects in the report layout. To do this, select a line andchoose the Change Object function or double-click on the objectyou would like to change. The system displays the object you select inchange mode underneath the report layout.
                  Before the system applies the changes (Apply Changes function),there is an automatic check of the changes made. Any items containingerrors are described in the comment field.
                  Insert Object on Same Level / Insert Object as Subnode

                  You can use this function to insert additional objects into the reportlayout. The system displays the new object to be inserted below thereport layout.
                  Before the system applies the changes (Apply Changes function),there is an automatic check of the changes made. Any items containingerrors are described in the comment field.
                  Delete Object
                  You can use this function to delete from the report layout an object youhave selected as well as all related objects.
                  Copy Report Layout
                  You can use this function to copy the report layout and save it under adifferent name.
                  Delete Report Layout
                  You can use this function to delete the report layout for the displayedobject type.
                  Activate Report Layout
                  You can use this function to make the report layout a standard entry inthe report layout field on the selection screen for the report.

                  Please note the following for accessible output of the report:

                  • Select the alternative display field to display the output
                  • without color. The report layout contains all data for an object on onepage. Therefore, it is not necessary to navigate between pages of datafor an object.
                    • The tree structure display is no longer hierarchical. The hierarchy
                    • levels are shown by the position of the line in the list.
                      • An alternative editor is available for changes in the report layout
                      • (transaction OO0D). If you are creating an accessible layout for thisreport, note the following for an accessible output:
                        It is no longer possible to include page breaks in the alternativedisplay.
                        The Display Title, Draw Frame, List in Color, andDisplay Object Selections properties have no influence on thealternative display and are therefore not in the editor foraccessible report layouts.