Programme SAP RHCOPY10 - Copy Objects Using Selection List


Unlike report RHCOPY00, this report does not start from a particularreference object to be copied. Instead, it displays a selection list tothe user first.
Parameter settings are not required to start this selection.
However, it is recommended that you only select within one plan versionand that, if necessary, you also set the object type.
The report copies an object in accordance with a reference object andadds it either
- 1 : 1 or
- with a new name
but always with a new object ID.
You can set parameters to ensure that all of the reference object'srelationships are copied too.
If "internal" number assignment is performed, you do not need tospecify the target object ID.
Please note:
To ensure data consistency, the report copies all of the infotypesassigned to the reference object, provided that the time constraint isnot 1 or 2.

1088895 SAP_BASIS Enhancements after HCMPSe100 SP 02