Programme SAP RHCOPY00 - Copy Object

This report copies an object in accordance with a source object, andadds it either
- 1 : 1 or
- with a new name
but always with a new object ID.
Parameters enable you to determine that all of the source object'srelationships are copied at the same time.
If "internal" number assignment is performed, there is no need tospecify the target object ID.
Please note:
To ensure data consistency, the report copies all of the sourceobject's infotypes, provided that the time constraint is not 1 or 2.

Parameter: ANZEIGE
Display copied records.

Parameter: NEWBEZ
New name.

New name for the copied object.
If the new name is initial, the name of the source object is used.

Parameter: NEWSHORT
New abbreviation.

New abbreviation for the copied object.
If the new abbreviation is initial, the abbreviation of the sourceobject is retained.

Parameter: RELCO
Copy all relationships too.

If you set this parameter, the source object's relationships are copiedtoo. However, relationships are only copied if they do not change thesource object's relationships (for example, relationships with timeconstraint 2 or 1 in both directions).