Programme SAP RHCMPCOMPARE_ACTUAL_PLANNED - Compare Actual Base Salary to Planned Compensation

Compare Actual Base Salary to Planned Compensation

You can use this report to compare the current base salary that anemployee receives, that is the salary entered in an employee's BasicPay infotype (0008) record and the planned compensation assigned to thejob or position in the Planned Compensation infotype (1005) record.

A Basic Pay infotype (0008) record must exist for the relevantemployees and a Planned Compensation infotype (1005) must existfor the jobs or positions held by the employees.


You can either use the Selection or Further selectionsfunctions to select the employees, or you can choose Org. structure. If you want to select your employees via the organizationalstructure, you must enter a root organizational unit. The system thenselects all the employees from this organizational unit and all itssubordinate organizational units.

The report lists the names of the employees in a table, together withthe following data per employee:

  • Actual base salary and where they are in the pay grade structure.

  • This data is taken from the Basic Pay infotype (0008).
    • Position's planned compensation. If the system cannot find any planned
    • compensation data for the position, it displays the plannedcompensation data for the job.
      This data is taken from the Planned Compensation infotype(1005).
      You can also display an error list for each employee. This listcontains the error messages for each employee. To display the errorlist, choose List -> Display error list.