Programme SAP RHCHECKRELATIONS - Delete relationships without existing objects


This report removes all inconsistent relationship records from thedatabase. This takes place in two steps. Unless you have chosen "directdelete" at the start, the inconsistent records are selected anddisplayed in an output list. The second step is the actual removal ofinconsistencies from the database, in that the entries (relationshiprecords) in HRP1001 (DB table for infotype 1001) that do not have asource or target object are deleted. At the same time, the systemdeletes the inverse relationships of the inconsistent records.Logically, 'P' objects (people) whose personnel numbers do not exist arealso deleted.

If you enter only a few parameters, you should note that the report canhave a very long run time (depending on the number of entries in thedatabase table HRP1001). This can sometimes exceed the permitted runtime for programs run in the foreground and may lead to an interruption(time interrupt) in the report. In such cases you should run the reportin the background. In most cases restrictive parameter entries are madewhich keep the report's run time to a minimum, so that it makes sense torun the report in the foreground.


The output list contains all relationship objects that have no source ortarget object. At the same time the system finds and displays inverserelationships of the inconsistent objects. In the case of peopleobjects, the system finds objects without personnel numbers.
The system displays the output results in the ALV (ABAP List Viewer)There, you will find a wide range of configuration functionalities. Youcan, for example:
- Select several lines as one block (click with the left mouse button atthe beginning of the block, then hold down the shift key and click withthe left mouse button at the end of the block).
- Select several independent blocks (select a single block, then pressthe Ctrl key as you click at the beginning of the second block, holddown Ctrl again as you click the end of the second block and so on)
- Show hidden columns or hide visible ones using the 'Change Layout'icon
- Sort all entries in ascending or descending order using the 'sortkeys'
- Select or deselect all entries in the output list using the 'selectkeys'
- Display details of an entry using the 'detail key'
- Delete selected list entries from the database using the 'delete key'
- Transport all displayed list entries to MS-Word or MS-Excel using the'word processing key'
- Set a filter using the 'filter key', for example to filter outunwanted entries

The parameter entry screen is easy and intuitive to use. The entryfields have the following meanings:
- Plan version - the plan version in which you wish to search
- Object type - type of object you want to examine, for example P, C, O,S ...
- Username - name of the person who created the object
- Direct delete - if you insert an 'X' here, the system will delete allthe objects selected in the ALV list without displaying them first - ifyou leave a blank, the system will display objects found in the ALV list
All entry fields (entry parameters) are available as single values or asranges. You therefore have three possibilities: you can enter a singlevalue; you can enter several single values by clicking on the arrow iconnext to the entry field you are working on and making your entries inthe column for single values; you can enter one or more ranges byclicking the arrow icon and entering the range values in the rangecolumn.

352485Work center consulting note
977559RHCHECKRELATIONS does not find relationship with none-ex. BP