Programme SAP RHCHECKP - Consistency Check PD Database Table and Additional Data Pointers

Consistency Check PD Database: Table Pointer and Additional DataPointer

The report checks that table pointers, additional data pointers, andnumber ranges are correct for PD infotypes.

The report can check the following areas:

  • Table Pointers

  • Consistency of HRPnnnn
    The report checks whether the table pointer in the respective databasetable (HRPnnnn) of an infotype also exists once and once only in thedatabase table that contains references to table extensions (HRITABNR).In addition, it checks whether the respective table pointer also occursat least once in the corresponding table section (HTRnnnn) of theinfotype.
    Uniqueness of HRPnnnn
    In addition to the consistency checks, the report checks whether thetable pointer is unique in the respective database table (HRPnnnn) (inother words, it occurs only once for each infotype). The report alsochecks whether the table pointer occurs in other table sections, orappears only in an incorrect table section (HRTnnnn).
    Consistency of HRTnnnn
    The report checks whether the table pointers in the various tablesections (HRTnnnn) also occur in the database table that containsreferences to table extensions (HRITABNR). In addition, it checkswhether each table pointer also occurs in the corresponding databasetables (HRPnnnn) of the infotype.
    Uniqueness of HRTnnnn
    In addition to the consistency check, the report checks whether thetable pointers are unique in the table sections (HRTnnnn). It alsochecks whether the table pointers occur in several database tables, oronly in incorrect database tables (HRPnnnn).
    Consistency/Uniqueness of HRITABNR
    The report checks whether the table pointers in the database table thatcontains references to table extensions (HRITABNR) also occur in thedatabase tables of the infotypes (HRPnnnn) and in their table sections(HRTnnnn), and whether the table pointers occur more than once there.
    • Additional Data Pointers

    • Consistency of HRP1001
      The report checks whether the additional data pointers in the objectrelationship database table (HRP1001) also occur in the database tablethat contains references to additional data (HRIADATANR). In addition,it checks whether the additional data pointers also occur in one of theadditional data tables (HRPADnn).
      Uniqueness of HRP1001
      In addition to the consistency check, the report checks whether theadditional data pointers in the object relationship database table(HRP1001) are unique. It also checks whether the additional datapointers occur in several additional data tables, or only in incorrectadditional data tables (HRPADnn).
      Consistency of HRPADnn
      The report checks whether the additional data pointers in theadditional data tables (HRPADnn) also occur in the database table thatcontains references to additional data (HRIADATANR). In addition, itchecks whether the additional data pointers also occur in the objectrelationship database table (HRP1001).
      Uniqueness of HRPADnn
      In addition to the consistency check, the report checks whether theadditional data pointers are unique in the additional data tables(HRPADnn). It also checks whether the additional data pointers occurseveral times or incorrectly in the object relationship database table(HRP1001).
      Consistency/Uniqueness of HRIADATANR
      The report checks whether the additional data pointers in the databasetable that contains references to additional data (HRIADATANR) alsooccur in the object relationship database table (HRP1001) and in theadditional data tables (HRPADnn). It also checks whether the pointersoccur more than once in those tables.
      • Number Ranges

      • Number range check in HRPnnnn
        The report checks whether the table pointers in the infotype databasetable (HRPnnnn) exceed the number range status laid down in the NumberRange Intervals table (NRIV).
        Number range check in HRTnnnn
        The report checks whether the table pointers in the table sections(HRTnnnn) exceed the number range status laid down in the Number RangeIntervals table (NRIV).
        Number range check in HRITABNR
        The report checks whether the table pointers in the database table thatcontains references to table extensions (HRITABNR) exceed the numberrange status laid down in the Number Range Intervals table (NRIV).
        Number range check in HRP1001
        The report checks whether the table pointers in the object relationshipdatabase table (HRP1001) exceed the number range status laid down inthe Number Range Intervals table (NRIV).
        Number range check in HRPADnn
        The report checks whether the table pointers in the additional datatables (HRPADnn) exceed the number range status laid down in the NumberRange Intervals table (NRIV).
        Number range check in HRIADATANR
        The report checks whether the table pointers in the database table thatcontains references to additional data (HRIADATANR) exceed the numberrange status laid down in the Number Range Intervals table (NRIV).
        Number range check in PLOGI
        The report checks whether the object IDs in the index table (PLOGI)exceed the number range status laid down in the Number Range Intervalstable (NRIV).