Programme SAP RHCHAR00 - Reporting for Infotype "Task Character" (P1004)

Report RHCHAR00 lists all objects of object type T, according toselection criteria, by specification of how the objects are to besorted (order, phase, purpose). This specification must be made forobject type T (task) in infotype 1004 (character).

  • When sorting according to order, the list is sorted by "Decision" and
  • "Execution".
    • When sorting by phase, the list is sorted by "Execution phase",
    • "Planning phase" and "Control phase".
      • When sorting by purpose, the list is sorted by "Purpose-oriented" and
      • "Administrative".
        If objects are the same, they are sorted in ascending order accordingto object ID.

        Enter a sorting method, "ORDER", "PHASE" or "PURPOSE".