Programme SAP RHBUCH00_LSO - Bookings per Participant

This report generates a list of courses booked for an internal orexternal participant or for a group participant in a specified period.
The report has a pre-report with a simplified selection screenRHXBUCH0.

The report output depends on the objects you select for thereport, the reporting period you specify, and the reportparameters you set.

Course type
If you select this option, the display only includes bookings forcourses of this type.
You can enter a search string to find the course type.

With employee bookings
If you select this option and there are N.N. bookings of groupparticipants (participant types company, Organizational
unit, Customer, or Interested party), the system alsodisplays the individual bookings of the individual employees in thegroup.

Without employee bookings
If you select this option, the system only displays the N.N. bookingsof group participants, not the individual bookings of the employees.

Display cancellations
If you select this option, the report also displays the participationcancellations per participant.

The report's list screen can contain the following information:

  • course name

  • course date

  • course language

  • course location

  • Indicator for locked (L), canceled (D for deleted), or
  • historically recorded ( H) courses, and internal or externalcourse
    • Name of the individual or group participant

    • Booking priority of participant (essential, normal, or waiting list)

    • Booking day

    • Individual price per participant

    • Sum total of all course prices per participant

    • You select the data you want displayed under Change layout.
      When you choose this function, a dialog box appears with the columnsthat are displayed on the list screen in the left table, and the hiddencolumns in the right table.
      The arrows let you determine what columns are displayed. To transferthe changed layout, choose Transfer.
      To save the layout, choose Save layout. You can call up thislayout as required by choosing Choose layout.
      You can find more information about display options on the list screenunder Help in the SAP Library by choosing Getting Started-> The SAP Window -> List -> ABAP List Viewer (ALV):Grid Control.
      You can execute the following functions from the list screen:
      • Maintain participant prices.

      • Display and, if required, edit any existing notes.

      • Display the attendee list for any of the listed courses.

      • Display the time schedule of the individual courses.

      • Sort the columns in the list in ascending or descending order.