Programme SAP RHBAUPAT - Buffer creation for generic attributes

Updating the attribute buffer (INDX)

The program is used to set up the attribute buffer for a specific day.You can also reset the buffer entries.
A manual update during the day is not necessary (for example, followinga change to the organizational structure), because the (asynchronous)updating of the buffer when changes are made is activated when thebuffer for a scenario is activated.
The buffering is only valid for a specified day, that is, it is notpossible to set up a buffer for today and for tomorrow.

Enter the scenarios for which buffers are to be set in table T77S0 ingroup ATBUF (switch SCEN1-5). For example, if you want to bufferscenario BBP, enter the value BBP in table T77S0 under ATBUF/SCEN1.


You can select whether all buffers are to be reset. (Night time isrecommended for background jobs) or whether you just want to update thebuffers. (Daytime recommended for manual updating).
You can also select whether the buffer entries are to be writtenafresh. If so, you can also define the validity date of the buffer.
Usually today's date is recommended ; after 8pm (system time)tomorrow's date is recommended. After 8pm you can also run the programin the background to set up the buffers for the following day.(Recommendation: schedule the program after midnight so that onlinechanges do not ruin the buffering).
The scenarios intended for buffering are displayed for yourinformation, together with the buffered object types. The program alsodisplays the day the buffer was last set up for, when the buffer wasstarted and when it was ended.
You can also change the display format. In the standard format only theindividual actions and their runtimes are displayed. In the detailedformat, a list of the updated buffer entries is also displayed.

Use the delivered variant SAP&STANDARD to set up the buffer in thebackground. If you want to define your own variant, remember that thedate of the buffer setup is not saved in the variant so that the bufferis always set up on todays date.

779943EBP 3.0: Purchasing groups are missing (buffering)
675521EBP 3.0: It takes a long time to update attribute buffer
110909Composite SAP note on generic attributes