Programme SAP RHARCHIV - Archive Attendance Records

The report lets you archive attendance records and correct datainconsistencies.
You can find more information about this in note 538446.

In addition to the objects offered for selection and the reportingperiod, you can select the following parameters to specify the datachanges you want made.

  • Delete 034

  • This indicator is set by default. This ensures that existing dataredundancies are eliminated. This step is necessary to be able tochange business events that already have relationship 034 or to be ableto book attendees for such events.
    Relationship 034 can only be deleted if the corresponding 025relationships already exist. Generally speaking, a business event musthave either a 025 or a 034 relationship stored for it so that attendeeinformation is retained.
    • Create 034 + Delete 025 + Delete E

    • We recommend setting this indicator only if you want to reduce thevolume of data.
      • Create 034 + Delete 025

      • We do not recommend setting this indicator. It does not reduce thevolume of data.
        • Create 034

        • We do not recommend setting this indicator. It can result in dataredundancies (034 relationships can only be created if relationship 025already exists).
          • Test Run

          • If you select this indicator along with any of the above indicators, nodatabase update occurs. The database changes are only displayed.Deselect this indicator to have changes updated in the database.