Programme SAP RHALEORGMOVE - HR: Transfer Planning Data

This report enables you to transfer personnel planning objects to adifferent original system.

Distributed Organizational Management must be activated in table T77S0:ALE REPLI
Execute function

The selected originals are transferred to the chosen system. Theobjects then exist in the old original system as replications.
The systems defined by the distribution model as servers for theOrgMasterdataReplica.SaveOriginalMultiple BAPI can be used for thetransfer as new original systems.
Supported object types:
All of the object types in personnel planning except X*, TS, T, WF, WS,and RY.
The objects are transported in full to the new original system, thatis, with all of their infotypes. The data is imported in the targetsystem in accordance with the update transfer mode (seeHR: ALE Distribution (Planning Data, HR Master Data
If you want to simulate transferring the selected objects, start thereport in test mode. You can use the test mode function to see themessages that are displayed when data is transferred properly.
After the transfer, replication is triggered in the new original systemfor all of the transferred objects. A switch enables you to deactivatethis. Note: if you deactivate replication in systems defined asreceivers of personnel planning master data from the new originalsystem, their data becomes obsolete.
If the target system includes local relationships for objects selectedfor the transfer, they are overwritten if a corresponding relationshipis imported by the transfer for the same period. This is recorded by amessage.
You can prevent relationships from being overwritten by deactivatingthe appropriate switch. As a result, the relationship from the oldoriginal system is lost.

The selected objects are grouped together in blocks for processing. Theselection screen enables you to determine the size of the blocks. Eachblock is a self-contained unit, and the messages in the log are groupedaccordingly. The following categories of message can occur:

  • Messages that occur in the old original system

  • Messages that occur in the new original system when data is imported

  • Messages that occur in the new original system during replication

  • If an error occurs in one of the first two categories, the system doesnot transfer the originals of the entire block.
    A list is output for each block containing all of the originalsprocessed in the block.