Programme SAP RHAKTI00 - Change Object Status

This report changes the status of one or more objects and theirinfotypes in accordance with the entries in table T777F (Function CodeAssignment to Planning Status).
The advantage of this report over the usual procedure (usingtransaction PP01: Maintain Plan Data) is that it allows you to changethe status of a number of objects (or object types) and their infotypesat the same time.
Unlike transaction PP01, this report also enables you to perform anumber of steps in the planning procedure model in one step. Forexample, you can move an object directly from the 'planned' to 'active'status in one step.

You created 10 positions in 'planned' status and want to change them to'active' status. To do this, select the objects and set the relevantparameters:

  • Submit planned records

  • Approve submitted records

  • Activate approved records