Programme SAP RGUSTUX4 - XPRA to Reorganize Set Where-Used Lists in 4.0

This program runs as XPRA in Release 4.0A.
It creates where-used lists for sets in Report Writer reports as wellas where-used lists for variables and key figures in sets and variablesin formula variables.
In addition, the representative data element forvariables is stored in variable table T802G.
If the program terminates, you can execute it again at any time afterthe upgrade. You should run it before production startup, but this isnot absolutely necessary.
If the program could not be executed successfully, the following systemerrors are possible:
Sets can be deleted although they are being used in reports.
When changing sets, the reports that use these sets are not regeneratedautomatically.
Variables and key figures can be deleted although they are still beingused in sets or formula variables.
Not all variables are presented in the F4 help.