Programme SAP RGUSLSEP - Compare Totals Records with Total from Line Items

Program RGUSLSEP (transaction GCGS) allows you to reconcile a specialpurpose ledger or ledger based on totals table V_GLFLEXT for totalsrecords and line items. We recommend that you perform a reconciliationfor the company code and fiscal year. You can limit the selection usingrecord type, version, business area, account, and posting period.Differences between a totals record the the total of the correspondingline items are provided in a list. The data record is determined by theaforementioned selections and by a debit/credit indicator.

The ledger concerned updates line items.

For each data record, the displayed amount fields contain thedifferences between the amounts of the totals records and the totals ofthe line items. By making entries in the additional fields, you candisplay three additional fields in the selection screen. When youdouble-click a data record, a detailed list appears. When youdouble-click this list, a selection of the totals record table isdisplayed with the selected data. Another double-click selects thecorresponding line items (if they exist) and totals the line items foundin a new list.

764523Special ledger: Analysis and correction reports/utilities
729433Differences between SL and GL