Programme SAP RGUIST01 - Calculation of Potential Number of Records in a New GL Totals Table

This program is used to determine the number of possible records of atotals table for future use in new General Ledger Accounting. Fordetailed information on this, see SAP Note 820495.
One of the following can be used as the data basis for the calculation:
1) Existing accounting documents (BSEG entries)
This option is recommended when you have already posted SAP accountingdocuments (possibly in another SAP system) but not yet activated newGeneral Ledger Accounting. With this option, you can enter the companycode and the fiscal year as selection options to restrict the data basisto a representative dataset or the largest, most critical company code.
2) Any SAP table
This option is recommended when you already use EC-PCA or FI-SL and wantto continue using these totals tables in future for the calculation ofthe totals table in new General Ledger Accounting. In this case, enter"GLPCT" or the name of the FI-SL totals table in the "Table" field. Youcan also enter additional selection options for the table concerned,such as options for restricting the analysis to a specific ledger andthe largest company code.
3) File containing external data
In the case of new customers, external data can be used to determine thenumber of totals records in new General Ledger Accounting. For this, youneed to enter in the File Structure field the name of the structure ortable corresponding to the form in which the external data exists on theapplication server or presentation server. With this option, adistinction is made between the following alternatives:
a) The data is stored as a sequential file on the application server. Inthis case, the system uses the command "READ DATASET" to transfer thedata to the structure specified under #File Structure# and thendetermines the number of totals records. For more information on how thedata must be stored, see the online documentation on the ABAP commands#OPEN DATASET IN TEXT MODE# and #READ DATASET#.
b) The data is stored on the presentation server. In this case, thesystem uses the function module "GUI_UPLOAD" to transfer the data to thestructure specified under #File Structure# as an internal table (asTEXT; see the function module documentation) and then determines thenumber of totals records.
Ensure that, when using external data as the data basis, you use datathat is as representative as possible.
In the fields of the future totals table, use the #Multiple Selection#pushbutton to select ALL fields - such as account and profit center -that you want to use in future in the totals table. Here, you cannot useamount fields or fields such as #Document Number#. Caution: Here, youcan only enter field names that are also defined in the data basis. Forexample, the field name for the general ledger account in BSEG is#HKONT#, whereas in GLPCT it is #RACCT#. For this reason, use the inputhelp function to display the possible entries. We recommend that, for agiven field in the totals table, you always look for the correspondingfield in BSEG, GLPCT or the FI-SL table, or in the external datastructure.
You use BSEG as the data basis and, in your totals table in new GeneralLedger Accounting, you want to use the scenarios profit center update(FIN_PCA), segmentation (FIN_SEGM), and cost of sales accounting(FIN_UKV), as well as the customer field #ZZREGION#.
In this case, other than the mandatory fields #BUKRS#, #GJAHR# and#HKONT#, you also need to enter as field names the following fields:PRCTR, PPRCT, SEGMENT, PSEGMENT, FKBER, and ZZREGIO.
In the list output, only the number of calculated totals records and thenumber of different values per field are output.
Caution: The number of calculated totals records often only represents arough estimation and generally needs to be multiplied by a factor whenseveral ledgers, for example, are used or when day ledgers are alsoused.