Programme SAP RGSOLD2N - Conversion of Old Sets to Transparent Tables

This program converts sets for the current client from the old tablesT800S, T800X, T800Y, and SETDATA into new, transparent tables.
First execute a test run to determine the number of sets to beconverted and estimate runtime.
Then plan the program for execution in an update run.
After the program has successfully converted the sets, you can deletethe remainsing entries in the old set tables with theRGSOLDDL program. These entries become superfluousafter conversion and place an unnecessary burden on the system.

A list of the sets that could not be successfully converted is output.Check to see whether these sets are really used (Utilities -> Set usagein set maintenance. If one of the sets is needed,check whether you can maintain the set, make any necessary changes tothe header text, and save the set. This will convert it automaticallyto the new tables. If you are working with a group from CO, you willalso have to use the transaction for group maintenance.
Sets that are no longer required, such as those for deleted tables orfields, will also be deleted by program RGSOLDDL.