Programme SAP RGSEX040 - Example: Create a Set (with Cost Centers)

You want to create a basic set for the field CCSS-KOSTL. On theinitial screen, you must enter the set ID as well as the controllingarea and a selection condition for the cost centers contained in theset. If a basic set for the CCSS-KOSTL field already exists for the setID you specified, this set will be overwritten.
If required, you can also specify the ID of a single-dimension set thatshould contain the created set. If this single-dimension set does notyet exist, it will be created. If it does not yet contain the createdbasic set, the basic set will be included in the set as the last entry.

The cost centers that are to be included in the set must exist.

Apart from an error message resulting from an invalid entry and amessage for successful completion of the program, nothing else isoutput.

To create a set with the ID 'CCENTER_A' with all of the cost centers incontrolling area 0001 whose ID begins with the letter 'A', you mustcall up the program with the following parameters:

  • Set ID : CCENTER_A

  • Description : All cost centers with A

  • CO area : 0001

  • Cost center : A*

  • Using the transaction GS03, you can display the set you just created.