Programme SAP RGRREGXL - Register Report Writer Excel link

When your SAPgui is installed, you have the option to also install theReport Writer Excel link program, which allows you to transport ReportWriter reports formatted to Microsoft Excel. In the installation, animport filter is installed for Excel which must be registered for yourExcel version. This registration is completed during installation.
If you install an Excel link later or if you install a new version ofExcel, you may have to register the import filter again.
This program completes registration. It only supports the32-bit version of the import filter. The following Microsoft Excelversions are also supported (for Windows 95 and Windows NT):
Excel 7.0 (Office 95)
Excel 8.0 (Office 97)
The registration program determines the registry of your Excel version.The program also looks for file GRFCXL32.DLL. If the file is in itsusual directory, registration is completed automatically. Otherwise,you will be asked to find the file.
In the selection screen, you have the following options:
Register directly - Direct registration
Create registration script - Only a script for registration iscreated; enter the name of the script file (with file extension .REG).
You can also execute a script file directly (double-click in the filemanager).