Programme SAP RGRJBG00 - Report Writer: Generate Report Groups

Using the mass generation program, you can generate any number ofreport groups you want.
On the selection screen you can enter your selection criteria for thereport groups to be selected. If you do not activate the indicator'Generate without selection list', you will receive a list of theselected report groups and you can check off those groups which shouldbe generated. If the indicator is not checked off, all of the selectedreports will be generated directly.
Depending on the number of selected report groups, the generation maytake a long time and therefore should take place in the background.

After everything has been generated, a statistic is printed out fromyou can determine whether or not the report was successfully generated.

If you want to generate all report groups belonging to library ABC,enter this library on the selection screen and execute the program.

78109Report Writer: Regeneration after adv. correction