Programme SAP RGPSA_EXIT - Maintain rollup exit program for PSC

This function is needed to activate the rollup for PSC.
The PSC processing will read the data of your source system (e.g. JointVenture data) and will create the PSC ledger. This process of readingthe source information and creating the PSC table is done with arollup.
The rollup and the corresponding sets and field movements aredelivered.But the rollup will also change or create data during thisprocess. For example, the Joint Venture system does not know the PSC orthe calulation types. This information is only stored in the PSC masterdata. Therefore the rollup will call user exits to adjust the data.This user exits are delivered with the PSC system, however they can notbe installed in your special user exit program directly.
Every user can have a different name and can define own user exits.
Therefore this function will find the rollup exit program and insertthe necessary exits. You can choose to define fixed exit numbers or tolet the program find free numbers.

The program for rollup user exits will be changed and if requested atransport request is created.