Programme SAP RGOSPST - Program RGOSPST

Euro conversion: Adjustment to information tables for document splittingduring currency conversion.
During a currency conversion, the information tables for documentsplitting must be adjusted so that they correspond to the newcurrencies. Document splitting is performed for the documents of thecurrent fiscal year and the result is stored in the information tables.
Rounding differences are handled as follows:
The clearing of rounding differences within a document is posted fromthe defined constant "EURO" in document splitting using a standardaccount assignment.
In document splitting, deficits (rounding differences) within clearingare posted in the clearing document from the defined constant "EURO"using a standard account assignment.
Documents generated for the zero-balance setting of a clearing chain areassigned using the defined constant "EURO".

Document splitting is activated in the affected company codes. Theconstant "EURO" is defined in document splitting.