Programme SAP RGJX20D1 - XPR program - T8JZ, T8JG, T8JQ, T8JOVRP, T8JOVR, T8JOVRT, T8JVORP.

The XPRA RGJX20D1 converts the following tables for Joint Venturerelease 2.0D.

T8JZ: default '10' in the new field T8JZ-BCURR.
T8JG: default the new field T8JG-BCURR with the value of T8JZ-BCURR.
T8JQ: default the new field T8JQ-NPIGROUP with the value ofT8JF-NPIGROUP when the partner is a NPI partner.
T8JOVRP: convert the existing drilling rate with a 'X' rate type(T8JOVRP-RATETYPE) corresponding with the existing drilling rate in thefield of burden rate % (T8JOVRP-RATETYPER) and convert the existingnon-drilling rate (2.0c) with a space rate type (T8JOVRP-RATETYPE)corresponding with the non-drilling rate in the field of burden rate %(T8JOVRP-RATETYPER) for a JOA.
T8JVORP: convert the existing drilling rate with a 'X' rate type(T8JVORP-RATETYPE) corresponding with the existing drilling rate in thefield of burden rate % (T8JVORP-RATETYPER) and convert the existingnon-drilling rate (2.0c) with a space rate type (T8JVORP-RATETYPE)corresponding with the non-drilling rate in the field of burden rate %(T8JVORP-RATETYPER) for a VENTURE.
T8JOVR: if any non-zero values found in drilling or non-drillingfields, the rate type 'X' or space respectively will be added in thefield of T8JOVR-RATETYPE.
T8JOVRT: 'Non-Drilling' text will be added when space rate type isfound and 'Drilling' text will be added when 'X' rate type is found.

The XPRA can be restarted. If the XPRA should terminate during theput, the error can be ignored and the put can be completed. After theput, you absolutely must manually start the report RGJX20D1. If anyerrors occur, you must correct them.