Programme SAP RGJV_CC_RECLASS - JV Cash Call Reclassification with Rollforward

JV Cash Call Reclassification functionality is used to allow entry ofcash calls in one period that are to be matched against expenditure in alater period. The period in which a cash call is to be matched againstexpenditure is called the operations month. All cash call payments notalready reclassified with an operations month equal to or less than thecurrent month are included in the reclassification process. The value isderived from user entry on the cash call screen.
Calculation of the roll-forward amount proceeds as follows:
Cash received for the operations month is matched against expenditure inthe opera-tions month and the received cash is activated (reclassified)up to the full value of the expenditure.
If the cash received exceeds the expenditure, the remainder is matchedagainst any new cash calls posted in the operations month and a cashcall reversal is posted up to the full amount.
If the cash received exceeds both the expenditure and the cash called,the residual amount is rolled forward to the next operations month.

Parameters allow the user to indicate whether
,,P_EXP,,Roll-forward should be checked against expenditure in Op.Month
,,P_CC,,,,Roll-forward should be checked against cash calls in Op.Month
Data is selected in three phases.
A/R items
JV partners are selected according to the select-option for partner onthe program selection screen.
Open and cleared items are selected for each partner from the FIsecondary indexes. This selection checks the 'Reference 1' (XREF1)field to see if a prior run of the reclassification program has placedin it the characters 'RC' to show that the item is already processed.
JV Items
Ledger ' 4A' of the JV single item table is read for each A/R itemidentified. This allows retrieval of JV information such as recoveryindicator and billing indicator which are not always available in the FIdocument item. It also ensures retrieval of split item information e.g.from cash call payment. For companies using a third local currency theadditional ledger '4C' is read and the third and fourth currencies read.
ALV List
Each JV item is transferred to an ALV hierarcical list for display .For each entry in the summary line, values for expenditure and cashcall may be calculated according to the settings of parameters P_EXP andP_CC (see above).
Expenditure is calculated by reading posting rules for the cutbackprocess 'CUTB' for partner postings for all recovery indicators andidentifying all the billing indicators used. The JV billing database isread for partner, venture, equity group and billing indicator toidentify the total cutback amount for the operations period. Theadditional ledger '4D' is read if necessary.
Cash called is calculated by reading posting rules for the operated cashcall process 'CCOP' and identifying all the billing indicators used forcash call. As with expenditure, this process is dependent on billingmethod and so must be re-read for each venture. The JV billing databaseis read for partner, venture, equity group and billing indicator toidentify the total cutback amount for the operations period. Theadditional ledger '4D' is read if necessary.
If either expenditure or cash call are calculated, a proposedroll-forward amount is calculated as:
,,roll forward amount = total receipts - (expenditure + cash calls)

and this amount is entered in a fourth set of amount fields in thesummary line.
Summary items or (if summation is not selected) detail items maybeselected from the list. When the post option is chosen,reclassification documents are posted direct to the FI database.Alternatively the update may be performed before the list is displayedin which case all items are processed. This is referred to as 'batch'mode since it is intended to be used when the program is run inbackground (or batch) mode.
Update errors are identified with a red 'LED' icon. Clicking on thisicon will cause a list of the errors to be displayed in a pop-up.Successful posting is identified with a green 'LED' icon. Clicking onthis icon will cause the posting message to be displayed in a pop-upwhich will inform the user of the documents posted. When run in batchmode, all messages are displayed in a list following the main report.