Programme SAP RGJVTAX2 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases

The report creates the advance tax return and, if necessary, abatch input session in order to automaticallyrebook the tax payable. If required, it can also prepare the advance taxreturn.
The statement can be at line item level for each tax type (output taxand input tax). Note that even if you suppress the line item information
, the data still comes from the individual documents.
You can restrict the amount of documents to be processed using one ormore of the following criteria:

  • Posting date

  • Posting period (fiscal year and month)

  • Document date

  • Run date and time that were saved in the document tax lines of the
  • program when it ran at an earlier time
    If you select Update documents: Update run, thereport selects only those document tax lines that do not have a date ortime entry from a previous run. The date and time of the tax return runare included in these tax lines.
    You can directly limit the number of company codesor enter taxes on sales and purchase groups,for which all corresponding company codes are collected automatically.
    When you create a batch input session to rebook the tax payable, adocument is prepared for each company code selected. In this document,for each tax account, one item is created for the tax account and onefor posting to the tax payable account.
    If required, the report can prepare the form for the advance tax return.It also prepares the tax balance for each company code, thetax on sales/purchases code, the transactionkey, the total/debits/credits indicator, and the limited time frame intables. The subsequent print report fetches the data it needs forprinting from these tables.
    You can customize the output lists. To do this, you canuse the SAP List Viewer.

    To display the amounts in euros, you have to perform the following stepsin Customizing for Financial Accounting:
    Activate the local currency.
    Choose General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions-> Closing -> Reporting -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> Activate Alternative Local Currency for Advance Tax Return.
    Assign the euro currency to report RFUMSV00.
    Choose General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions-> Closing -> Reporting -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> Specify Alternative Local Curr. for Sales/Purch. Tax Return.
    To execute the report, select Alternative Local Currency.
    Before the batch input function can be used to automatically rebook taxpayable, you must make the following Customizingsettings:
    You have to assign your own tax payable account and theposting keys for debit or credit postings forthis account to the transaction code UMS for thechart of accounts that you use. Check if thisprerequisite is fulfilled.
    Perform Assignment
    If you do not enter another tax payable account on the selection screen,the tax balances are rebooked to this account.
    For more information, see the Implementation Guide.
    You can create variants for the report.
    Maintain Variants

    When you limit the posting date, fiscal month, or document date, thesystem records the run date and time that were updated in the documenttax lines.
    You can set the system to display the tax data with varying levels ofsummarization. You can choose from:

    • Line item list of output tax for each company code

    • Totals list of output tax for each company code

    • Line item list of input tax for each company code

    • Totals list of input tax for each company code

    • Line item list of documents with tax differences for each company code

    • Totals list of the tax balances for each company code

    • Totals list of tax balances of all company codes

    • The following data can be displayed at line item level:
      • Company code

      • Tax on sales/purchases code

      • Transaction code

      • Posting period and date

      • Document number and reference document number

      • Tax base amount

      • Output tax and input tax amount

      • Output tax not to be paid and input tax that cannot be paid

      • Address Daten of Customer/Vendor

      • Receipt Data

      • If you want to display the address data or receipt data, you have toselect the Read Address and Receipt data parameter and choosedisplay variants of the output list. These containthe corresponding fields.
        In the tax type overview (totals list for output tax and input tax), youcan display the following data for each tax type:
        • Company code

        • Tax on sales/purchases code

        • Transaction key

        • Tax description and rate

        • Assessment basis

        • Amount of output tax and input tax

        • Output tax that is not to be paid and input tax that cannot be paid

        • The documents with a corresponding report are displayed in theline item list for tax differences. The amount posteddiffers from the tax amount that is calculated.
          In the company code overview (totals list for tax balance of eachcompany code), you can display the following data for each company code:
          • Company code

          • Tax on sales/purchases code

          • Transaction key

          • Tax description and rate

          • Assessment basis

          • Output tax to be paid

          • Input tax that can be paid

          • Tax balance

          • In addition to the reporting currency, you can also display the amountsin the above lists in a foreign currency.
            In addition, you can also display an overview of all balances in thecompany codes (totals list of all company codes). You can display thesame data as in the company code overviews.
            When you choose the batch input session for automatically rebooking thetax payable, information is displayed for each company code about thedocument prepared for this session. The following data is displayed foreach item in this document:
            • Item number

            • Posting key

            • Account number

            • Account description

            • Currency

            • Amount

            • If you have chosen to have the advance tax returns form to be prepared,the restrictions that you chose for this are shown. You need thesevalues for running the report that further processes and prints thedata.

1619795RFUMSV00: Adjustments to RGJVTAX2
880864RGJVTAX2 prevent syntax errors after core changes
802097Adapting JVA report RGJVTAX2 to electronic tax declarations
1100622RGJVTAX2: Syntax error after importing Support Package
831486RFUMSV00: Error message F7 575
828674Advance delivery: Electronic tax return changeability
902444RGJVTAX2: Note 877045 causing syntax error
803670RFUMSV00: Adjustments to RGJVTAX2