Programme SAP RGJVSO10_OLD - Summary ledger line items

This report prints line items for summary ledgers (summary tableJVTO1). The report can be called directly from the information systemor via drill-down from other reports.

Line items are grouped in blocks for different ledgers, fiscal yearsand company codes. For each block a subtotal is printed.
You can sort line items by placing the cursor on a column and pressingthe sort ascending/descending icons. Sorting takes place within blocksonly.
The following drill-down options are available (position cursor on aline and click corresponding button):

  • Display document display the document associated with the
  • selected line item; you can simply double-click a line for thisfunction
    • JV document display the Joint Venture document

    • Trace unsuspense display all line items that are related to an
    • unsuspense line item. These are all related line items which werepreviously set in suspense.
      • G/R I/R documents display all goods receipt and invoice receipt
      • documents related to the selected line item (this option is onlyavailable for line items with a purchase order; those line items willbe highlighted by a different color)
        • Purchase order Display purchase order related to the selected
        • line item (if available)
          The following additional functions are available:
          • Line item detail Display a list with all fields of the selected
          • line item
            • Legend Display information on:

            • Color key
              Report columns
              Identifiers for object types (cost centers, internal orders, WBSelements, profit centers and assets are displayed in one column withobject type and object)