Programme SAP RGJVRXDT - Transfer automatic postings to CO

Automatic posting lines, including realized exchange differencepostings, do not contain cost object designations, so the CO recordassociated with the cost object is not updated via automatic postings.To reconcile the CO and JVA records for automatic postings (includingrealized exchange differences), you should execute the realizedexchange difference program at the end of the accounting period.
This program creates an FI posting that balances the realized exchangedifferences account to which the FI line was posted. The offsettingentry is posted to the cost element defined in the special accountstable.
You can use this same functionality to transfer the results ofautomatic postings of either realized exchange differences or othertypes of transactions (such as discounts, bank charges, or taxes) toCO.

Depending on whether the program is executed for realized exchangedifferences or for other automatic postings, the program takes as itsinput postings to the accounts that are associated with the JVAfunction RXD or COAC in the special accounts table T8JK.

The program transfers cost object information stored in the JVA summaryledger to the cost element associated with the account to which theexchange difference balance is posted. In this way, the JVAinformation is made available in CO.
When executed, the program reverses the total balance of the account towhich postings were made during the period. The line produced by theprogram contains different information depending on whether there is adebit or a credit balance on the account of the original posting.
If you use the program to process realized exchange differences(function = RXD),then for each unique combination of currency, accountnumber, recovery indicator, and cost object encountered duringexecution, the program will create a separate posting for the currentmonth, which is reversed in the next month.
If you use the program to process costs for automatic postings otherthan realized exchange differences (function = COAC), a posting iscreated from the account balances for the these automatic postings.
This process for handling realized exchange differences and otherautomatic postings produces FI postings that are assigned billablerecovery indicators.