Programme SAP RGJVRU00 - Suspense projects and equity groups

The requirement exists to be able to suspense certain projects andequity groups from cutback and billing processingfor a certain period of time. During this time, records booked to theseprojects and equity groups should not be cutback and billed to thepartners. Instead, they are born entirely by the operator until thepoint in time that they are removed from suspense.
There are several possible reasons for projects and equity groups to beplaced in suspense. Equity groups may be placed in suspense whenpartner's shares have yet to be finalised or projects may be held insuspense if they have yet to be approved by the partners.
For billable charges with an equity group or project in suspense, theProject and Equity Group Suspense process backs out these charges andposts new records under a suspense recoveryindicator which will not be picked up by Cutback.
When an equity group or project is removed from suspense in the currentperiod, the earlier suspended balances will be backed out, and billableentries will be posted in the current month for the entire amountpreviously placed in suspense.

Detailed information on all lines picked up by the program will bedisplayed along with the information of projects and/or equity groupbeing in suspense or coming out of suspense.
If the program runs not in testmode, also the document numbers of thepostings created are displayed.

Authorityauthority for process 'SUSPENSE'. Details see authorization objectJ_JVA_PRC.