Programme SAP RGJVBJ02 - Jade File Generation for Auditing

This program generates a file on disk for the JV Audit. The resultingJADE file observes the standards specified by COPAS and PASC. The fileis a means of letting the operator of a venture provide information tothe external auditor. All charges on a billing are linked or referredto a 'source document'.
The user specifies the company code, and optionally the ventureselection and the equity group selection, as well as a beginning andending period.
The checkbox 'Allow more than 255 characters' should always be markedif you want to see fields whose sum of characters are more than 255. Ifthe checkbox isn't market but there are to many characters you will getan error message.
The user has the ability to exclude the Equity group from the file, andto specify a threshold amount and a filename. All billing amounts thatexceed this threshold amount are included in the JADE file. Thefilename is used to name the file created on the disk (e.g., c:\a.xls).

The event table is checked to make sure that either a hardcopy or an EDIbill was generated for the last period that is included in the JADEfile.
The output consists of several fields that provide information about thebilling item. In addition to the JADE file, a list is generated on thescreen, along with drill-down capability to the document level. Thereare two types of fields, fixed and variable. The fixed fields arealways generated and are activity independent. The variable fields areactivity dependent and are generally used to provide additionaldescriptive information.
The following information is contained in the file:
>Company Code,,,,,,,,,,
>Joint Operating Agreement
>Joint Venture,,,,,,,,,,
>General Ledger Account
>Cost Center Code,,,,,,,,,,
>Purchase order
>WBS - Element,,,,,,,,,,
>Document No.
>Posting Period,,,,,,,,,,
>Vendor No.,,,,,,,,,,
>Value Tran. Curr.
>Tran. Curr. Code,,,,,,,,,,
>Document Date
>Value Obj. Curr,,,,,,,,,,
>Tax Code
>Credit/Debet of Value Obj. curr,,,,,,
>Line Item Text
>Employee Number,,,,,,,,,,
>Work Date
>Unit of Measure
>Document Header Text,,,,,,,,
>Clearing Document No.
>Activity type(reference procedure),,,,,,
>Activity type
>Cost element text
>Vendor/customer name,,
>Material description
>Cost object Text:
There are different possibilities to print out the text.
There are 3 fields where you can print out the different texts. Everycostobject:
Cost Center, Order Number and WBS Element has its own textfield.
There is additional one field where you can see the following example :
The first letter is a shortcut for the Costobjects you see after thearrow.
For more details on the configuration tables (T8JMHDR, T8JMUSE, andT8JMDET) that are needed please see the release notes onJade File Generation for Auditing.

To run the report you need 'execute' authority for process 'REPORTING'.Details see authorization object J_JVA_PRC.

509611GJJ1: Allow JADE report to select WBS range
407149JADE report: Incorrect display of amounts