Programme SAP RGJVBE02 - Billing data selection: Expenditure detail / supplemental detail

This program extracts Expenditure Detail Report data from the JointVenture Ledger and exports it in the form of data clusters to the JVBXdatabase. The data is held by venture and equity group. Subsequentlythe database is used by the Hard Copy [RGJVBR10] and EDI [RGJVEDIO]programs to generate the Detailed Expenditure Report of the totalbilling package.
The process will be run on a monthly basis for all ventures andacross all equity groups and partners (owners) unless suspended. Thefacility will exist to re-run the program for a selection of venturesand/or partners.
The extract program will be run as part of a job stream of differentextracts that also contains the extract from the Billing Ledger for theBilling Invoices and Billing Statements [RGJVBE01].