Programme SAP RGJVBE01 - Billing data selection: Invoice / Statement

The Billing extract program (invoice/statement) extracts the requireddata from the billing ledger to be used for the creation of an invoiceand statement for hardcopy and for EDI. The data are held as a datacluster in table JVBX.
The following data cluster can be created:
Cluster for ID internal table
Invoice (paper) IV INT_INV_DETAIL
Statement (paper) ST INT_STAT_DETAIL
Suppl. det. Inv. (paper) SI INT_SUPP_DETAIL
Suppl. det. Inv. (EDI) SN INT_EDI_ISUP_DET
The information that will be stored in the data cluster depends on thebilling configuration in joint venture.
Examples of different scenarios are provided below.

A list of all data clusters the billing extract program will create isdisplayed and if any errors occur during execution, a list of errormessages will also be displayed.
Detailed information of all data clusters billing will create isavailable in the print spool.

To be able to extract the billing data for the invoice/statement youmust have 'execute' authority for the process 'BILLING1'.
Details see authorization object J_JVA_PRC.

For each different data cluster we provide an example on how the dataare derived.

Invoice (paper)
A separate invoice data extract is created for each partner/venturecombination.
The data extract stores all information from the billing summary ledgerwhich should be selected for the invoice. The decision which datashould be selected is based on the billing indicator mapping inJV customizing. All billing indicators used in themapping will be selected into the extract.

Invoice (EDI)
A separate invoice data extract is created for each partner/venturecombination.
The data extract stores all information from the billing summary ledgerfor this partner/venture.

Statement (paper)
A separate invoice data extract is created for each venture/equitygroup combination.
The data extract stores all information from the billing summary ledgerwhich should be selected for the invoice. The decision which datashould be selected is based on the billing indicator mapping inJV customizing. All billing indicators used in themapping will be selected into the extract.